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Recipe Categories:

    Deb's Philly Beef & Cheese

    Source of Recipe

    Our Kitchen

    Recipe Introduction

    Level 1 ~ Pro/Fat

    List of Ingredients

    Sirloin steak
    sweet onion (Maui, Walla Walla, etc)
    sweet peppers
    cheese slices
    salt & pepper
    olive oil


    We take the sirloin and partially freeze it, then slice (shave) it as thin as possible. You can even ask the butcher to do this step for you.

    Slice up your onions - we like to slice the onion top to bottom rather than in rings.

    Slice up your peppers. We like using red or orange or yellow - we like their flavor better than green.

    Put roughly 1 tablespoon olive oil in your skillet - not too much or the end product will be too greasy. Quickly saute the onions and peppers, you can sprinkle on some salt & pepper while cooking, set aside.

    Add a bit more oil and put all the sliced/shaved steak in the pan on high. Spread it all out, season with salt & pepper and let it saute. This will only take a 3-4 minutes. Flip the meat just as it's losing its red color and turning gray. Saute one more minute and lay 4 cheese slices on top and cook one more minute. Remove from heat. You do not want to overcook the meat or it will be tough. It should be 'gray', not brown. If it gets brown, chances are it cooked too long and will be tough; if it's not sliced/shaved thin enough, it will also be tough.

    Spread the onions & peppers on your plate and top with the sirloin with cheese. That's it, it's very quick. This serves 2.

    You can ofcourse add mushrooms or anything else to your liking. We just eat it "as is" (no bun) right from the plate. If you have non-SSers at dinner, they can have this on a nice roll. We've made this using muenster, provolone and pepper jack (which gives it a kick). Feel free to add zippier spices too, but we prefer plain old salt & pepper. Enjoy!




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