Somersized Focaccia
Source of Recipe
KDC�s recipe adapted from Gruntle�s recipe @ Somersize Site ...........
Recipe Introduction
Level 1 ~ Pro/Fat
List of Ingredients
8 oz cream cheese
4 large eggs
1 cup pork rind flour (make by crushing pork rinds into a fine flour)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup Italian Cheese Mix shredded cheese (found in the refrigerator section with other shredded chesses)
1 teaspoon pepper or to taste
1 teaspoon oregano or to taste
1 teaspoon olive oil
Preheat oven to 425. Bring cream cheese and eggs to room temperature. Mix cream cheese and eggs, one egg at a time, until smooth.
Add pork rind flour, baking powder, seasonings and cheeses.
Spread mixture on a 12" pizza pan that has been brushed with olive oil. You may also use a pizza stone.
Sprinkle with pepper, fresh herbs, such as thyme, basil and oregano. You may use dried herbs, if you wish.
Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, brush with olive oil and bake for 3-4 more minutes.
Serve warm.
(This recipe freezes well.)
Sun dried tomato Focaccia:
To the above herbs, add chopped dried tomatoes to the top of the mixture before baking.
Rosemary Focaccia:
Sprinkle 1/2 tsp minced garlic, freshly ground pepper and 1 Tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary to the top of mixture before baking.
* * If you�re using this for pizza crust - let it rest for 10 minutes before adding the toppings.