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    Julie's Clam Chowder

    Source of Recipe

    Scottsdale Julie @ Low Carb Friends

    Recipe Introduction

    Level 1 ~ Pro/Fat ~ Julie's quote: I made the best clam chowder last night. I used my old recipe and subsituted celery root as the potatoes. Oh my gosh. This makes a ton, but I was never able to make a small pot of soup.

    List of Ingredients

    1 large (3 pound & 3 ounce) can of chopped clams (Costco)
    2 large (a little bigger than a large softball) celery root
    1 stick of butter
    1 onion
    1 small bottle clam juice
    Tabasco Sauce
    ThickenThin/Not Starch (thickener)
    1 pound bacon, chopped


    Fry bacon pieces until crisp and take out of grease and hold for later. Hide them from the kids.

    Chop onions and dice celery root into small chunks.

    Drain the clams, reserving all of the juice.

    Put onions and celery root into bacon grease, and fry until onion is just soft. Add the reserved clam juice.
    Simmer until celery root is just barely tender.

    Add the butter and cream, I probably used 2-3 cups, but enough to cover the vegetable and begin to make a soup like consistency.

    Add the bottle of clam juice and the bacon.

    Add salt and pepper to taste Add a few big shakes of Tabasco.

    Using a masher, mash some of the celery root, leaving lots of chunks. Add ThickenThin 1 teaspoon at a time, until desired consistency. Simmer until all the flavors are melded together.

    * Can freeze leftovers
    * Deb's notes: This was the best clam chowder I've made yet. I really like the celery root in here much better than making it with cauliflower.

    The first time I made this, I used 3 pounds of celery root and that was way too much. I'm going to try 1 & 1/2 pounds next time.

    I also dilute the cream with water. I added about 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons pepper.




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