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    Crepes: Traditional Russian Crêpes - Bliny

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    To prepare perfect crêpes, you need a flat round stick pan with a sharp angle between the bottom and borders, a thin and long spatula for turning the crêpes and a pastry brush to oil the pan with a thin layer of oil before frying each crêpe. Crêpes are not to be reheated in a microwave - they become gray and unattractive.

    List of Ingredients

    3 eggs
    2.5 cups of milk
    1.5 cups of flour
    3 tbsp. of sugar
    1/2 tsp. of salt
    1 tbsp. of baking soda, mixed w/ vinegar to create a chemical reaction
    Olive oil


    Mix the ingredients and stir them in a blender. Sift the flour before adding it in. Oil the frying pan with a pastry brush. Heat the pan until very hot. Pour the liquid batter onto the pan, and each crêpe on both sides, until golden. Adjust the heat and frying time to create more tender or crustier crêpes. Serve with sour cream, jam, or anything else you like.

    Makes 20 crêpes.




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