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    Eggs: Eggs Benedict With Crab On Ciabatta

    Source of Recipe

    Panera Bread

    List of Ingredients

    2 Panera Bread Ciabatta loaves, cut in half lengthwise and toasted butter
    12 oz. fresh crab meat
    8 poached eggs
    1/2 c. Quick Hollandaise Sauce (recipe follows)
    2 T. finely chopped chives
    4 lemon wedges


    Butter the toasted Ciabatta to taste. Spread 1/4 of the crab meat over each half of the Ciabatta loaf. Gently place two poached eggs on top of the crab meat. Drizzle about one tablespoon of hollandaise sauce over each egg. Sprinkle a teaspoon of chopped chives over the sauce and serve immediately. A bowl of the remaining hollandaise sauce and fresh lemon wedges may accompany the meal.

    Quick Hollandaise Sauce

    2 egg yolks
    2 T. boiling water
    1 c. (2 sticks) butter, melted and hot
    2 T. lemon juice
    Salt and pepper to taste
    1 t. minced herbs, such as parsley, thyme or basil (optional)

    Place egg yolks in a blender. Blend at low speed until thoroughly mixed. While the motor is running, slowly add the boiling water, followed by the hot butter. The butter should be added very slowly, in the thinnest stream possible.

    When the butter is completely incorporated, add the lemon juice, salt and herbs. If the sauce is too thick, add a few drops of boiling water. The sauce will hold as you poach the eggs and prepare the other ingredients.




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