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    Fruit: Baked Breakfast Apples

    Source of Recipe

    Recipe Introduction

    If warm fruit for a chilly morning appeals, here's the perfect breakfast starter. This dish can be prepared the night before and placed in the refrigerator so it's ready to bake the next morning.

    List of Ingredients

    4 small tart cooking apples
    1 cup dried prunes (optional)
    1/2 teaspoon grated orange or lemon peel
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1 tablespoon lemon or orange juice
    1/4 cup apple juice
    1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    1/3 cup brown sugar


    Core apples (do not peel) and place in a covered casserole just large enough to hold them. Arrange prunes around apples. Sprinkle with grated rind, vanilla, lemon juice and apple juice. Mix nutmeg and sugar and sprinkle evenly over fruit. Cover and bake apples at 350*F (175*C) until tender, 45 to 55 minutes.

    To serve spoon apple into a small dish. Break open with a spoon and top with prunes and sauce. Serve at once.

    Makes 4 servings.




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