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    Omelets: Provencal Omelet

    Source of Recipe

    Carrie Levin, Good Enough to Eat: Bountiful Home Cooking

    List of Ingredients

    3 extra-large eggs

    2 Tbsp. clarified butter, melted

    2 fresh mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

    2-3 Tbsp. Gruyere cheese, grated

    2 canned artichoke hearts, quartered

    3 cherry tomatoes, halved

    2 black olives, halved, for garnish

    chopped parsley for garnish


    1. In a small cup, beat eggs thoroughly in a circular motion, making 30-40 rotations with a fork.

    2. Heat butter in omelette pan or skillet.

    3. Add sliced mushrooms and sauté them for about a minute, shaking pan so mushrooms do not stick.

    4. Dribble a little beaten egg into pan to test butter temperature.

    5. When it is hot enough, pour in beaten eggs immediately.

    6. Grasp handle of skillet and tilt away from you as you pull eggs toward you with prongs of fork, letting uncooked eggs run out around the fork.

    7. Reverse tilting motion and pull the eggs away from you.

    8. Repeat first step, and when eggs start to mound in center, sprinkle on cheese.

    9. Continue tilting motion to cook eggs and add in artichoke hearts and tomatoes.

    10. When most of egg is cooked but still runny and moist, tilt pan, slide the omelette on a warmed plate, folding it in half as you do.

    11. Garnish with olives and parsley.

    Chef’s Note: Carrie Levin says that the omelette, if properly cooked, will have a fold rippling its moist surface, which means you have pulled the eggs often enough from one side of the pan to the other. The whole process takes about 30 seconds. You may even want to cook it a second or two less because the omelette continues to cook once it is folded over on the serving plate.




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