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    Vinegars: Cranberry Vinegar

    Source of Recipe

    Michael Chiarello

    Recipe Link:

    List of Ingredients

    1 bag fresh or frozen cranberries
    1/4 cup vanilla scented sugar syrup, recipe follows
    Pinch salt
    3/4 cup Champagne vinegar (6 percent acidity)


    Put cranberries, syrup and salt in a pan and heat over high heat until cranberries begin to pop. Remove from heat, let cool and then puree in a blender. Add vinegar and taste for balance. Add more vinegar and thin with water if necessary. Strain through a fine strainer into a bowl or pitcher. Store in a clean jar or bottle (do not use metal lids or tops) and refrigerate. Keeps several weeks.

    Vanilla Scented Syrup:
    Keep this syrup on hand to add to iced tea and other cold drinks or for poaching fruit. It does not need to be refrigerated. The vanilla is minced to make sure all its flavor is extracted into the syrup.

    4 cups sugar
    1 cup water
    2 vanilla beans, minced or 2 tablespoons pure vanilla extract

    Put the sugar, water and vanilla beans (if using) in a pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Lower heat to a simmer and cook about 4 minutes. Stir occasionally. Let cool. Puree syrup in a blender until vanilla beans are thoroughly chopped into the syrup. Strain through a fine strainer into a jar. If using vanilla extract instead of beans, add extract after the sugar syrup has cooled and pour into a jar. Seal tightly.

    NOTE: In the show - the syrup was used to dip the bottom and sides (about 2" up) to give the bottle an "icy" or "frosty" look.




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