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    Bertucci's Nolio Pizza

    Source of Recipe

    Michael Collier

    Recipe Introduction

    "If you've ever been to the Italian pizza restaurant, Bertucci's and dared to try one of their more unusual pizzas, you may be familar withthis pizza which contains no tomato sauce."

    List of Ingredients

    1 medium yellow onion
    1 tsp white pepper
    1 cup heavy cream
    1/2 lemon
    1 - 1 1/2 cup shredded prosciutto
    1 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
    1 package Pilsbury pizza dough (or home made)
    olive oil


    Preheat oven to 400 F.
    CAREFULLY - Boil heavy cream until thickened. Add white pepper and the juice from a half of a lemon. Slice onion very thin so that you are left with rings. Saute onion rings in olive oil until they are starting to get brown.

    Assemble pizza as follows:
    Unroll pizza dough onto a non-stick pizza pan. Add cheese, then prosciutto. (I like to add some pepperoni slices too). Add the cream mixture at a time to the pizza, a tablespoon at a time, forming little puddles spread around the pizza. Drain the onions and put them on last. They will continue to carmelize as the pizza bakes. Bake 8-10
    minutes. Don't over bake. You don't want to "dry out" the pizza.




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