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Recipe Categories:

    Summer Squash and Goat Cheese Pizza

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    1 lemon
    4 ounces goat cheese, at room temperature
    Few leaves of fresh basil, cut into thin slivers
    1/2 medium yellow zucchini, sliced as thinly as you can pull off with a knife or your mandoline (I went for 1/8-inch thick with mine)
    1/2 medium green zucchini, sliced as the same as above
    Drizzle of olive oil
    Salt and pepper to taste


    Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Roll your pizza dough into a thin 12-inch circle and lay it on a stone that has been dusted lightly with cornmeal.

    In a small bowl, stir together the goat cheese with the juice of half your lemon. Season it with salt and freshly ground pepper, and spread it over your pizza dough. Scatter fresh basil slivers over the cheese.

    Arrange your zucchini coins in concentric circles over the goat cheese spread, overlapping them slightly. You can alternate their colors, if you’re feeling fancy. Squeeze the juice of the second half of your lemon on top of you zucchini, then drizzle with olive oil and finish with more salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes (your baking time will vary, so please watch carefully), or until the edges of your pizza are golden brown and the zucchini looks roasted and a little curled up at the edges.




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