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    Oat Mushroom Patties

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    ¾ lb of mushrooms, diced.
    2 garlic cloves, minced.
    6 cups of rolled oats.
    4 cups of water.
    ½ cup of onion, diced small.
    ½ cup of carrots, diced small.
    ¼ cup of soy sauce.
    ¼ cup of yeast.
    1 teaspoon of oregano.
    1 teaspoon of thyme.
    ½ teaspoon of marjoram.


    Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a large saucepan.

    Add mushrooms, mushrooms and onions and cook until soft.

    Add the soy sauce, yeast, garlic, oregano, thyme and marjoram.

    Add the rolled oats, one cup at a time, letting oats sink in, then stirring.

    Cook for about 5-6 minutes, until the mixture is thick at the bottom of the pan.

    Cover and set aside for about 20 minutes.

    Allow to cool and shape into patties.

    Place on an oiled cookie sheet and Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 45 minutes, turning half way through.

    Serve as desired.




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