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    List of Ingredients

    Oranges -- halved; pulp Removed
    Brown sugar
    Cinnamon sticks
    Whole nutmeg
    2 Whole clove
    Tissue paper OR Colored plastic wrap

    Cut oranges in half and remove the pulp as best you
    can. Dry the oranges in a 250 degree oven for abut 2
    hours on warm. Allow to cool thoroughly. Mound brown
    sugar into the empty half shell. Use cinnamon sticks
    for legs along the sides (6 to 8 depending on the size
    of the orange). Just push into the sugar.
    A whole nutmeg is pushed into the sugar as the head
    with 2 whole cloves for eyes.
    Wrap in tissue paper or colored plastic wrap with
    instruction to just drop into two quarts of cider and
    heat through.





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