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Recipe Categories:

    Sourdough Starter

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    1 1/2
    cup warm water (105-115 degrees)

    cup potato flakes

    package active yeast

    cup sugar

    Dissolve yeast in ½ cup warm water and let set 5 minutes

    Add rest of ingredients and let set at room temperature for 12-24 hours. Stir occasionally.

    Hints: Make sure to use glass bowl that is large enough to allow mixture to rise without foaming over. Glass bowls retain heat much better than metal and mixture becomes somewhat like school paste if allowed to overflow on other surfaces.

    Use one cup of starter for bread and refrigerate rest in glass jar (don’t screw down the lid)

    Remember that the starter is a living thing and it must eat now and then. Even if you do not use it, you have to feed it anyway.

    Every three to five days feed:

    3/4 cup sugar

    1/4 cup potato flakes

    1 cup water

    Allow to stand at room temperature for 12-24 hours then use or discard one cup and return to refrigerator.

    Note: If you use that starter every few days, it does not need to be refrigerated at all. Just place a single layer of plastic wrap over the jar mouth put rubber band or mason ring around mouth of jar and prick small hole in the plastic.





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