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    Salt Risen GF Bread

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    A traditional recipe from Mt. Morris, Penn

    3 tsp corn meal
    1 tsp GF flour
    1/8 tsp baking soda
    1/2 c scalded CF milk


    Pour scalded CF milk onto the dry ingredients and stir. Keep in a warmed off (with the heat now turned off) overnight until foamy.

    After the "raisin" has foamed and has a smell like "rotten cheese" put it into a medium sized bowl, add 2 cups of warm water, then enough flour (about 1 1/2 c) to make a batter like pancake batter. Stir and let rise again until it becomes foamy (about two hours).

    Add one cup of warm water for each loaf of bread you want to make (up to 6 cups). Add enough flour for each loaf (20 cups for 6 loaves for example). Form into loaves; oil the tops. Let rise in the prepared pans for up to 6 hours (but 2 is sufficient with GF flours).

    Bake the bread at 300 F for 30 - 45 minutes or until the loaves sound hollow when tapped.

    If you want to save some of the raisin for the next batch, take one cup of batter out of the mixture after you have added the 2 cups of warm water and made the thinner pancake-like batter.

    If you prefer, this can be shaped free-hand instead of using a loaf pan. Or use a baguette or challah pan.




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