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    Swedish Tea Ring & Orange Rolls

    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    Here are the variations on this dough recipe. One Aunt's is the Swedish Tea Ring and her sister (my other Aunt) makes the Orange Rolls which are always a huge hit. I need to give those a try, too. Or just use this dough for dinner rolls. I couldn't believe how this dough puffed up. My Aunt said it is key to try and not use too much flour.
    Cinnamon Rolls or Dinner Rolls)

    Refrigerator Rolls

    1 Package active dry yeast
    1/2 Cup lukewarm water (add pinch of sugar) Set aside.

    In large bowl:
    2/3 Cup shortening
    2 Teaspoon salt
    1/2 Cup sugar
    2 Eggs
    1 Cup mashed potato
    1/2 Cup milk
    1/2 cup water potatoes cooked in
    4 to 5 cups all purpose flour

    Mix first three ingredients; shortening, salt & sugar. Add eggs one at a time and beat in. Add mashed potatoes, yeast, milk, potato water and mix.

    Add flour; three to four cups, mixing well adding enough more flour until dough can be handled and turned onto floured board. Knead well using as little flour as possible. Place in large oiled bowl, cover and let rise double. Knead lightly and cover, place in fridge until ready to use or overnight.

    About two hours before baking pinch off amount to use shape into rolls. Let rise until light. (Aunt makes her.s in pie pans.)

    Bake in 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.

    Glaze warm right out of the oven with a very thin powdered sugar glaze or cream cheese glaze.

    Orange Rolls
    3/4 Cup sugar
    Zest of 2 oranges
    Butter, melted

    Mix together sugar and orange juice. Use melted butter and orange mixture, roll and cut like cinnamon rolls. (Aunt bakes these in 9 x 9 pans.) (She also must make these much smaller because she says she often takes the ends of the rolls and bakes those in muffin pans.)

    Bake at 375 degrees about 20 to 25 minutes.

    1 Cup powdered sugar
    1/4 Cup orange juice

    Mix well and pour over warm rolls.

    These freeze well.




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