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    Chicken Salad with Cooked Dressing

    Source of Recipe

    Teresa_nc7 CF

    Recipe Introduction

    This recipe is a little different in that it has a cooked dressing. The annual antique show where I once lived made this to sell at lunch. I really like it.

    2 large chickens (or hens) about 5-6 lbs.
    Cook chickens until tender, cool, and cut the white meat in large chunks, the dark meat into smaller pieces. Mix with the following dressing:

    2 TB flour
    2 TB sugar
    2 t. salt
    2 TB butter
    2 eggs
    2 t. dry mustard
    1 cup water
    1/2 cup cider vinegar

    Mix the dry ingredients; make a paste with part of the water, then add the eggs, vinegar, and butter and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Cool before mixing with the cut up cooked chicken. Chill chicken and dressing overnight.

    The next day, add to the chicken: 2 bunches (the whole stalk, not just 2 ribs) celery, chopped fine, juice of two lemons, mayonnaise to a nice consistency, a little hot red cayenne pepper, and additional salt to taste. Mix well, chill and serve on crisp lettuce.

    Yields: 25-30 servings. Half the recipe by using only one chicken about 2-3 lbs. and half the cooked dresssing.




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