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    Canary Island Potatoes

    Source of Recipe


    If you have ever been to the Canary Islands, then you will probably have tried Papas Arrugadas with Mojo Picon or Green Mojo


    Small New Potatoes
    Sea Salt

    Add the potatoes to a pot of very salty water (in the past the Canarians used sea-water).
    The potatoes should float in the salty-water, if they don't you need to add more salt.
    Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
    Now drain most of the water from the pot and cover the potatoes with a layer of salt.
    Turn down the heat and gently shake the pot so that salt crystalizes on the potatoes.
    Finally, turn off the heat and cover the pot with a tea-towel for 5 minutes (so that the potatoes turn 'wrinkly').




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