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Email to Brenda-Lee Olson      

    MYO Anise Oil

    Source of Recipe

    Brenda-Lee Olson

    Recipe Introduction

    from Sarah Carter

    List of Ingredients

    dried anise seeds
    almond oil


    Without totally crushing the anise into a fine powder, use a mortar and pestle to press the seeds enough to discharge the oils and scents.

    Fill a glass jar with enough ground anise seed so it is almost completely full.

    Now you can pour the almond oil into the jar, submerging the anise completely.

    Insure that the jar is tightly closed to prevent any spilling.

    Set the jar and its contents in a location with plenty of sunlight.

    Leave the jar in that location for at least two weeks--although you can leave it out for up to four weeks to insure that the sun's heat releases all the oils from the anise.

    Using cheesecloth, drain the oil to remove the anise seed and any remnants.

    You can now store the anise oil in a fresh bottle or jar until you're ready to use it!

    Interesting Factoids: Did you know that aniseed oil is commonly used in aromatherapy to treat colds and flu?

    And according to first century writer, naturalist and philosopher, Pliny the Elder, anise was used as a pick-me-up for daytime sleepiness, as a breath freshener, and as a remedy for scorpion stings when mixed with wine!




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