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    Fresh Coconut

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    How do you use fresh coconut? How do you store fresh coconut once it has been opened?
    A: An unopened coconut can be stored at room temperature. Once opened, the white "meat" inside should be chopped and refrigerated or frozen. When buying a coconut, choose one that seems heavy for its size and is full of liquid.

    To open the coconut, first pierce the eyes with a screwdriver and drain the liquid into a bowl. The clear, sweet liquid (not to be confused with coconut milk) should be used or frozen within twenty-four hours. Drink it over ice or use it in soups or other dishes. Bake the coconut in a 375° oven for about twenty minutes. Using a hammer, briskly knock the coconut until it breaks open. The white meat inside is delicious fresh but it can also be frozen in chunks, or peeled and shredded for up to six months of storage.

    To make toasted sweet coconut, peel and shred the coconut, mixing in two tablespoons of sugar for every cup of shredded coconut. Stir the mixture in a heavy pan over low heat until the shreds turn golden. You can store the shreds in a sealed jar and toss over desserts or sliced fruit with honey.




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