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    Hillbilly Sayings Part II

    Source of Recipe

    AIM TO- plan to do
    AIRISH- cold
    BIGGITY- vain and overbearing
    BITTY BIT- a small amount
    CARRY ON- to carry on foolishness
    CLODHOPPER- heavy work shoes or large shoes
    CHUNK- throw, toss
    'COON- Raccoon.
    COW LICK- hair standing out on one's head.
    DIRECTLY- in a little while, or a couple of weeks
    DIXIE- Southern States of the U.S.A
    DO-HICKY- substitute name. Like the terms whata-ma-call-it or thinga-ma-jig
    FALLING OUT- disagreement
    FEISTY- being frisky
    FIXING TO- about to
    HEY- hello
    HOLD YOUR HORSES- (be patient)
    HONEY- affectionate term
    LAID UP- ill, hurt, unable to work
    MESS-one who carries on, "He's a mess."
    MUCH OBLIGED- thank you; hope to return the favor
    PIDDLE- waste time, doing nothing
    PLAYING POSSUM- playing dead
    RECKON- think or supose so.
    SHINDIG- dance or celebration
    SMOKEHOUSE- Shed with a dirt floor where pork and other meats is cured, and then smoked.
    SORRY- inferior quality, worthless, and lazy
    SOUTHERN BELLE- Southern lady
    SPRING CHICKEN- young thing
    SWEET TALKING THING- has a good line
    TIGHT- stingy with money
    WAIT ON- serve or assist
    WART-TAKER-one who removes warts by charms or incantations
    WHITE LIGHTNING- moonshine whiskey
    WORRY-WART- one who is annoying
    YA'LL- you all, two or more people




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