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    Peanut Butter Caramel Cake

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    1 ½ c. sugar
    1 c. Crisco plus about 1 T. (must use Crisco solid)
    4 eggs
    2 ½ c. flour
    1 c. milk
    1 t. vanilla flavoring

    Cream Crisco and sugar. Add milk, flour, eggs, and flavoring. Cook in three greased 9” round cake pans at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes or until testing shows them to be done. Turn on to cake cooling racks. When completely cool, slice each layer in half so that you will have 6 layers

    4 c. sugar
    2 c. milk or evaporated milk
    1 stick melted butter (not margarine)
    1 t. vanilla extract
    1 c. creamy peanut butter

    Cook sugar and milk to soft ball stage – remove from heat, mix butter and vanilla flavoring together and then stir into icing. Add peanut butter and beat by hand until mixture is cool enough to ice cake.





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