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    List of Ingredients

    2 eggs
    1 C. flour
    1 medium head cabbage
    2 medium onions
    2 T. garlic powder (or to taste)
    2 T. onion powder (or to taste)
    salt and pepper
    2 sticks butter
    3 chicken boullion cubes

    Cut up cabbage discarding the thickest and most tightly packed part
    at the center, cut into small rectangular pieces. Steam until it
    has wilted and set aside. Bring a large pot of water to a boil.

    Mix eggs and flour adding water until it resembles a batter like
    a thick pancake mixture or a runny pizza dough. You can add more
    flour or water as needed to achieve this consistency, but the batter
    should be a light yellow from the eggs. Drop by tablespoons into
    boiling water. When dough begins to float, remove from pan with a
    spoon. Rinse doughs with cold water and drain thoroughly.

    Melt butter in a large frying pan. Saute onions and dough until
    golden and slightly browned add chicken boullion. Add steamed
    cabbage and season with onion and garlic powders. I like to season
    the mixture until you can smell the onion and garlic over the smell
    of cabbage. Add salt and pepper to taste. Another alternative is
    to either purchase traditional kluski noodles or substitute egg
    noodles for the homemade doughs.





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