Almost 'Cracker Jack'
List of Ingredients
4 qts Popped Popcorn
1 C Peanuts
4 T Butter
1 C Brown Sugar
1/2 C Light Corn Syrup
2 T Molasses
1/4 t Salt
Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Combine popcorn and peanuts in a metal bowl and place in oven.
Combine the rest of ingredients in a saucepan. Stirring over medium heat, bring mixture to a boil. Using a cooking thermometer, bring mixture to a hard-ball stage (260-275), which takes approx. 20 to 25 min.
Remove popcorn and peanuts from oven and work quickly to pour caramel in a fine stream over them. Then put back in oven for 10 minutes. Mix well every 5 minutes so that all the popcorn is coated.
Cool and store in covered container.