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    LowFat - Sponge Cake #2, best ever

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Sponge #2, best ever

    2 EGG cake:
    2 eggs
    1/3 cup caster sugar
    2 tbsp cornflour
    2 tbsp plain flour
    2 tbsp self-raising flour

    3 EGG cake:
    3 eggs
    1/2 cup caster sugar
    1/4 cup cornflour
    1/4 cup plain flour
    1/4 cup self-raising flour

    4 EGG cake:
    4 eggs
    2/3 cup caster sugar
    1/3 cup cornflour
    1/3 cup plain flour
    1/3 cup self-raising flour

    This is a favorite never-fail sponge recipe: it does not contain
    liquid or butter, which makes it ideal for Swiss rolls. It is simple
    to adapt to many flavors and will work as a cake or a roll. Have eggs
    at room temperature. Beat whole eggs in small bowl with electric
    mixer until thick and creamy (the small bowl is necessary to give
    maximum volume to eggs); beating time on a moderately high speed
    should be about 7 mins. Add sugar, about 1 tablespoon at a time,
    beating after each addition until sugar is dissolved.
    While eggs and sugar are beating, prepare pans by greasing evenly
    (see lift of pan sizes below); and sift dry ingredients together 3
    times, to aerate and mix the flours.
    When sugar is dissolved, transfer mixture to larger basin; this makes
    it easier to fold the ingredients through the egg mixture *it is not
    necessary to transfer the 2 egg mixture to a larger basin). Sift the
    flours over the egg mixture, use a spatula to lightly fold the flours
    through; heavy handling at this stage will give a flat, tough sponge.
    Spread mixture evenly into pan, bake in moderate oven for cooking
    time specified below. When cooked, sponge will have shrunk very
    slightly from side of pan and top of sponge will feel springy when
    touched gently with fingertips. Turn sponge immediately onto wire
    rack to cool, then reverse sponge so that wire rack does not mark the

    Cake Pans and Cooking Times:

    2 egg:
    Deep 20cm round cake pan or recess pan about 20 mins. A deep
    pan is preferable rather than a sandwich pan as the sponge will be
    less crusty on top because the high sides protect the top during

    3 egg:
    2 deep 17cm cake or sandwich pans about 15 mins, or 25cm x 30cm
    Swiss roll pan about 12 mins.

    4 egg:
    2 deep 20cm round cake pans about 20 mins, or deep 23cm round
    cake pan about 40 mins.

    Citrus: Beat in 2 teaspoons of your favorite grated citrus rind with
    the sugar. Try lemon, mandarin, lime, orange or grapefruit.
    Nut: Fold in 1/4 cup of any type of ground nuts with the flours.
    Chocolate: Fold in 60g grated dark chocolate with the flours.
    Fill and ice sponges as desired.
    Keeping time: 2 days.
    Servings: 1 cake





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