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Recipe Categories:

    Black Russian Cake

    Source of Recipe

    From Martha Hopkins and Randall Lockridge

    List of Ingredients


    1 package dark-chocolate cake mix
    1 cup vegetable oil
    1 (3-ounce) package instant chocolate pudding
    4 eggs
    3/4 cup strong coffee
    1/2 cup creme de cacao
    1/4 cup Kahlua


    1 cup confectioners' sugar, sifted
    2 tablespoons strong coffee
    2 tablespoons KahluaButcher's twine
    2 tablespoons creme de cacao


    1. For the cake, combine the cake mix, oil, pudding mix, eggs, coffee, creme de cacao, and Kahlua in a large bowl.

    2. Beat for 4 minutes until quite smooth.

    3. Pour into a greased 10-inch tube pan until three-fourths full. (Save any remaining batter for cupcakes or to simply eat on the spot.)

    4. Bake 45 to 50 minutes at 350 degrees.

    5. Remove from the pan and invert onto a serving plate.

    6. Punch holes throughout the cake with a skewer or ice pick.

    7. Prepare the topping by combining the confectioners' sugar, coffee, Kahlua, and creme de cacao. Mix well and spoon over the warm cake.

    Yields: 12 servings.




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