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Recipe Categories:

    Aunt Lisl's Butter Cookies

    Source of Recipe

    Source: The Children's Jewish Holiday Kitchen

    List of Ingredients

    1/2 lb unsalted butter, or margarine, softened (2 sticks)
    3/4 cup sugar
    2 eggs
    1 tbsp brandy, optional
    dash salt
    1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
    3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 egg yolk, optional
    chopped nuts, and raisins, optional
    1 egg white, optional
    coarse sugar, colored with blue food coloring, optional

    Equipment You Will Need:

    measuring cup

    measuring spoons

    mixing bowl

    wooden spoon

    cookie cutters or toothpicks

    rolling pin

    greased baking sheet

    pastry brush

    metal spatula

    cooling rack


    2. In a bowl, cream the butter and sugar. Then mix in the eggs, brandy, salt, vanilla, and flour. Let rest for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

    3. Roll out the dough to 1/8-inch thick. Preheat oven to 350°F.

    4. You can either use cookie cutters or use the point of a toothpick like a knife to cut out cookies in any shapes you want. Let your imagination run free: how about dreidels, Stars of David, candles with flames attached, the four Hebrew letters on the dreidel? Once you have cut out the cookies, gently place them on the baking sheet. Then either brush them with egg yolk and sprinkle with nuts and raisins, or brush with egg white and sprinkle with blue sugar.

    5. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until golden brown. Use a metal spatula to gently remove each cookie from the baking sheet to a cooling rack or flat plate. Makes about 48 cookies




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