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Recipe Categories:

    Shabu Shabu (Beef w/ Rice & Tofu)

    Source of Recipe

    T-FAL magazine

    List of Ingredients

    2 cups (1 pint) cold water
    3 ounces (85 grams) dried 'kombu' seaweed*
    1 cup dried bonito flakes (optional)*
    8 ounces (225 grams) sirloin beef, sliced thinly
    4 ounces (115 grams) shitake mushrooms
    4 ounces (115 grams) enoki mushrooms, stalks removed
    4 ounces (115 grams) tofu, cut into chunks
    1 bunch watercress, trimmed
    cooked sticky white rice
    1 jar ponzu-joyu (dipping sauce)*


    1. Put the water in a pan and add the dried seaweed. Simmer over a medium heat for about 10 minutes. Pull out the kombu when the water starts to boil. To enhance the flavour you can add some dried bonito flakes 5 minutes before taking the kombu out. It is important not to let the water and kombu boil. Strain the broth, discarding the kombu and bonito flakes.

    2. Place the beef between two sheets of clingfilm and bash with the back of a knife until it is very thin. Slice the beef into thin strips and place on a serving plate.

    3. Bring the broth to the boil. Add the shitake mushrooms, followed by the enoki mushrooms, then the tofu and finally the watercress. Serve this pan of boiling broth at the table immediately and get your guests to cook their beef by dipping it in the broth with chopsticks.

    4. Give each guest a bowl of rice and a bowl for their broth, and a small dish of the ponzu dipping sauce. Don't forget the sake or Japanese beer.




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