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    Triple Chocolate Mousse Tart

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    One 9-ounce package chocolate wafer cookies
    1/2 cup margarine or butter, at room temperature, cut into 1/2-inch chunks
    1 envelope unflavored gelatin
    1 1/2 cups milk
    Yolks of 3 large eggs
    1/3 cup granulated sugar
    1 1/3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    1 cup heavy cream
    Triple Chocolate Leaves, optional (see below)
    Unsweetened cocoa powder, for dusting, optional


    1. In food processor, process 36 chocolate wafer cookies, to make 2 cups fine crumbs. Add margarine; process until thoroughly combined. Press mixture evenly over bottom and up sides of 9-inch fluted tart pan with removable bottom; refrigerate while you prepare filling.

    2. In 1-quart saucepan sprinkle gelatin over milk; let stand 5 minutes to soften gelatin. Using wire whisk, beat in egg yolks and sugar to blend well; cook over medium-low heat 8 to 12 minutes, stirring constantly with wooden spoon until mixture coats back of spoon (do not boil or mixture will curdle).

    3. Remove saucepan from heat; whisk in chocolate chips to melt; add vanilla. Transfer mixture to metal bowl; freeze 25 to 35 minutes until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. Stir occasionally, from outside of bowl to center.

    4. In medium-size bowl with electric mixer at medium-high speed, beat cream until soft peaks form; using rubber spatula, fold cream into chocolate mixture. Spoon filling into prepared crust; refrigerate 3 hours until firm.

    5. To serve: Remove sides of pan from tart. Decorate with Triple Chocolate Leaves as pictured; dust leaves with cocoa powder.

    NUTRITION INFO per serving without decoration: 450 calories (61% from fat), 31 g fat (14 g saturated), 105 mg cholesterol, 320 mg sodium, 43 g carbohydrate (2 g fiber), 6 g protein. % Daily Values: 8% calcium, 10% iron.

    Place 3 ounces milk chocolate, chopped (about 1/2 cup), in small microwave dish. Microwave on high (100% power) 30 to 60 seconds until chocolate loses its shape when stirred; stir until smooth. Using pastry brush, brush melted chocolate over undersides of 6 fresh lemon, basil, mint, or other nontoxic leaves; place leaves on wax paper-lined cookie sheet. Repeat process with 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips and 6 additional leaves, then with 3 ounces white chocolate, chopped (about 1/2 cup), and 6 additional leaves. Refrigerate 10 minutes until chocolate is firm. Carefully peel leaves from chocolate; refrigerate until ready to use. Makes 18 chocolate leaves.




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