Email to Yvonne Recipe Categories: grandmachouchou's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERS BabyFood Bars-Brownie BBQ Biscuits Breads BREAKFAST Cakes CANDY CASSEROLES Chinese Christmas COOKIES CROCKPOT Cupcake DESSERTS DoggieTreat Dough Frosting FRUIT Fruitcakes Fudge Halloween Homemademix JAMSandJELLIES Kids MainDishes MEATS Misc Muffins PASTA Pickle-Canning Pies Poutine RICE SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES Soups SOUPSandSTEWS unusualrecipes VEGETABLES WildGame Boiled Carrots Source of Recipe ??? List of Ingredients Wash and scrape or thinly pare.Leave whole or dice,sliced or cut in fingers.Cook in boiling salted water until tender.Seaon with salt,pepper and butter. Young carrots require 15 to 20 minutes to cook. Old carrots require 30 to 45 minutes to cook.Recipe