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Email to Ruth Johnson      

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    Irish Cream Liqueur

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    1 cup table cream
    1 can sweetened condensed milk (300 ml size)
    1 cup whiskey *
    1 tsp. instant coffee **
    2 tbsp chocolate syrup ***
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    1 tsp. coconut extract ****
    Combine all ingredients in a blender *****and set on high for 30 seconds, bottle in a tightly sealed container and store in refrigerator. This will keep up to 2 months if kept cool. ****** Shake well before serving. Makes 4 cups.

    * I use the cheapest brand I can find.

    ** A name brand is suggested. I have tried the cheaper brands and they make the mixture taste gritty.

    *** Any brand will do.

    **** I have also tried almond or rum extract for a change of taste.

    ***** I use my hand mixer or food processor to blend the ingredients, then put in tightly sealed storage container and shake.

    ******It rarely lasts more than a weekend and usually I am asked to make another batch before the evening is through.

    Be a responsible host. This liqueur really packs a whollop! Don't let your guests drink then drive!!




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