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Recipe Categories:

    Bubble Bobbie's Cheesecake

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Bubble Bobbie's Cheesecake


    * 18 graham crackers
    * 2 tablespoons sugar
    * 2 tablespoons butter


    * 3 8-oz. packages cream cheese - at room temperature
    * 5 eggs
    * 1 cup sugar
    * 1 teaspoon vanilla


    * 1 teaspoon vanilla
    * 2 tablespoons sugar
    * 2 cups (16 oz.) sour cream


    Crush graham crackers.
    Melt butter.
    Mix ingredients together, and spread on bottom and sides of 8x11-inch baking pan.
    Put in refrigerator.



    Mash the softened cream cheese in a bowl.
    Add eggs into bowl, one at a time, mixing well after each egg.
    Add sugar and vanilla into bowl.
    Pour the cheese mixture onto the crust.
    Bake at 375-degrees for metal pan, or 350 for pyrex - for 40 minutes.


    Mix ingredients together, and spread over baked cake.

    Bake at 475-degrees for metal pan, or 450 for pyrex - for 5 minutes.




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