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Recipe Categories:

    Standard Weights of Bushels (USA)

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Standard Weights of Bushels (USA)


    Note.... Tomatoes are 53 lbs/bushel

    Alfalfa 60
    Apples 48
    Barley 48
    Clover, Alsike 60
    Clover, Crimson 60
    Clover, Ladino 60
    Clover, Sweet 60
    Clover, White 60
    Clover, Red 60
    Corn, Ear 70
    Corn, Shelled 56
    Cotton 32
    Cowpeas 60
    Cucumbers 48
    Eggplant 33
    English Peas (in hull) 30
    Field Peas 25
    Flax 60
    Grass, Brome (smooth) 14
    Grass, Orchard 14
    Grass, Redtop 14
    Grass, Blue 14
    Grass, Fescue (tall) 14
    Grass, Timothy 45
    Lepedeza 40-50
    Lima Beans (unshelled) 30
    Millet 50
    Muscadines 50
    Mustard Greens 18
    Oats 32
    Okra 26
    Onions 57
    Peaches 50
    Pole Beans 28
    Rape 60
    Rye 56
    Snap Beans 30
    Sorghum, Forage 50
    Sorghum, Grain 56
    Soybeans 60
    Sudan Grass 28
    Sunflower (oil type) 24-32
    Sweet Potatoes (dry) 50
    Sweet Potatoes (green) 55
    Tomatoes 53
    Trefoil , Birds foot 60
    Turnip Greens (dry) 16
    Turnip Greens (wet) 18
    Turnips (without tops) 54
    Vetch 60
    Wheat 60




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