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    Springtime Vegetable Stew

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    Springtime Vegetable Stew

    1/2 lb trimmed artichokes
    3 tb olive oil
    2 ts minced garlic
    4 tb chopped fresh parsley
    1 c shelled peas, blanched for 1 minute
    1/2 lb baby carrots, parboiled for 5 minutes
    1/2 lb mushrooms, sauteed in olive oil, sliced
    1/2 lb asparagus tips, blanched for 2 minutes
    1/2 lb new potatoes, parboiled 7 minutes
    1/2 lb pearl onions, parboiled 4 minutes; peeled
    2 c vegetable broth
    salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
    chopped parsley or basil for garnish
    1 pin sugar, optional


    Fill a medium saucepan with lightly salted water and bring to a boil.
    Meanwhile, having ready a bowl of water to which you have added lemon
    juice. Working with 1 artichoke at a time, cut off the stem even with the
    base. Remove all the leaves until you reach the pale green heart. Pare away
    the dark green area from the base. Cut the artichoke in half and coop out
    and discard the choke. Cut the tender heart lengthwise into quarters. Drop
    into the lemon water. When all the artichokes are trimmed, drain and add
    to the boiling water. Parboil for 5 minutes and drain.

    Warm the olive oil in a large saute pan over medium heat. add the garlic
    and parsley, and stir for a minute or two. Add the artichokes, peas,
    carrots, mushrooms, asparagus, potatoes, pearl onions and enough
    vegetable broth to moisten. Bring to a simmer and cook uncovered until all
    the vegetables are tender, about 10 minutes.

    Adjust seasonings with salt and pepper. May add a little sugar for flavor
    balance. Transfer to a warmed serving dish. Garnish with a little
    chopped parsley or basil.

    Variation: When the vegetables are tender, beat 1 egg with 1/4 cup fresh
    lemon juice until frothy. Add a bit of the vegetable cooking liquid to
    the egg/lemon mixture to temper it; whisk the egg into the vegetables.
    Stir well and remove from the heat. Sprinkle with parsley or basil. Serve immediately.




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