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    Alder: Is a small tree that thrives in damp areas such as
    wetlands and river banks. It usually has several grayish
    trunks, and its female catkins develop into what look like
    tiny brown pine cones. Alder bark is simmered in water to
    make a healing wash for deep wounds. It is astringent and
    will help to pull the edges of a wound together. The leaves
    and bark can be made into a tea
    that will benefit tonsillitis and fever. The leaves are
    also used in
    poultices to dry up breast milk. Alder bark tea can be
    used as a douche or for hemorrhoids. Fresh alder sap can
    be applied to any area to relieve itching.

    Apple: The bark of the root of apple trees is used for
    fevers. Apples are rich in magnesium, iron, potassium, and
    Vitamins C, B and B2. When peeled, they relieve diarrhea.
    Stewed unpeeled apples are a laxative. Eating apples
    regularly promotes restful sleep. Baked apples can be
    applied warm as a poultice for sore throats and fevers.
    Apple cider is important in this time of antibotics, which
    destroy the intestinal flora. Raw, unpasteurized apple
    cider will restore the correct bacteria to the bowels after
    a course of antibotics.
    Apples reduce acidity in the stomach and help to clean the
    liver. Add garlic and horseradish to apple cider to clear
    the skin. Use the mixture as a wash externally and take it
    internally as a drink.

    Ash: Ash is a tall tree whose compound leaves are composed
    of five to nine, or seven to eleven leaflets. Its bark is
    very tightly and regularly furrowed, and its winged,
    canoe-paddle-shaped seeds, called keys, hang in clusters
    until they are brown and drop off in the fall. The tender
    new spring growth of the twig tips and leaves can be
    simmered to make a laxative tea that will benefit gout,
    jaundice, and rheumatism.

    Beech: Beech trees have a distinctive, smooth gray bark
    that resembles the skin of an elephant. The bark is used
    as a tea for lung problems, including tuberculosis. It is
    also cleansing to the blood, through pregnant women should
    avoid it. Beech bark tea make a good wash for poison ivy.
    Beech leaves are used in poultices for burns and for

    Birch: Birch trees have thin papery bark that peels easily
    -- so easily that birds actually use it to build their
    nests. It can range in color from chalky white and reddish
    brown to golden gray and yellow. The sweet birch {black
    birch} and yellow birch both have a nice wintergreen flavor
    in their twigs and
    bark. Birch leaf or twig tea is a laxative, and healing to
    mouth sores, kidney and bladder sediments, and gout. The
    tea also help rheumatic pains.
    Make a strong decoction of the twigs, bark and leaves and
    add it to the bath for relief of eczema, psoriasis, and
    other moist skin eruptions. Modern medicine has recently
    confirmed that betulinic acid, formed in birch sap, has
    anti-tumor properties that help fight cancer.

    Cedar: The northern white cedar is an evergreen with a
    branched trunk, conical shape, and flat scalelike leaves.
    It has reddish brown bark that hangs in hairy shreds.
    Another name for the tree is Arborvitae, or "tree of life,"
    a name given to it by the French explorer Jacques Cartier
    after it saved his crew
    from scurvy. A tea is made from the leaves and twigs, and
    is very high in Vitamin C. Among the Algonquin it is
    considered a sacred tree, and they will not perform a
    ceremony without it. Its branches are used on the floor of
    sweat lodges, and it is dried and burned as an incense
    because it harmonizes the emotions and put one in the
    proper state of mind for prayer. The tea of the
    twigs and branches is simmered until the water in the pot
    begins to turn brown.
    It is then used for fevers, rheumatic complaints, chest
    colds and flu.

    Elder: Elder trees are quite small. They have clusters of
    white flowers in spring and black or deep purple berries in
    fall. They thrive in damp, moist areas. Elderberries are
    used to make preserves, pies, and wine. Taken as a tea,
    either fresh or dried, the berries benefit the lungs and
    nourish the blook. The young leaves of elder are used in
    salves and poultices for skin
    healing. A root bark tea clears conjestion, eases
    headaches, and is used in poultices for mastitis. A
    tinture of the flowers lowers fever by promoting
    perspiration. Elderflowers water is a traditional remedy
    for skin blemishes and sunburn. Cold elderflower tea is
    placed on the eyes as a soothing compress
    for inflammation. Elderflower oil makes a soothing balm
    for sore nipples of nursing mothers.

    Elm: Slippery elm is a medium-sized tree with grayish bark,
    usually found near streams. Unlike the American elm its
    crown does not droop. It leaves are also larger than the
    American elm's with coarsely toothed margins. The inner
    bark of the slippery elm, which is sticky and fragrant when
    fresh, is used
    medicinally. Slippery Elm bark is available in dried and
    powdered forms from herbalists. It is made into paste with
    water and then applied as a poultice to injuries of flesh
    and bone, on gunshot wounds, ulcers, tumors, swellings,
    chilblains, and on the adomen to draw fever out. Slippery
    elm is very high in
    calcium, and a pudding or tea of the bark can be ingested to
    help speed bone healing. The powdered bark in water makes a
    jelly that soothes bowel and urinary problems, sore
    throats, and diarrhea. It makes a perfect substitute milk
    babies who are allergic to cow's milk. Try adding a little
    lemon and honey for flavor.

    Hawthorn: Hawthorne is a small, broad, round, and dense
    tree with thorns and edible red fruits. The fall berries
    and spring new leaves and flowers make a cardiac tonic that
    benefits virtually all heart conditions. Be aware,
    however: Prolonged used does cause the blood pressure to
    drop. Use it for a few weeks and then take a week off to
    prevent a precipitious decrease in blood
    pressure. Use caution when combining this herb with other
    heart medications to prevent a sudden drop in blood
    pressure. For maxiumum benefit eat fresh raw garlic as you
    undergo a hawthorn regime. {Garlic provides extra cleansing
    of plaque in the blood vessels}.

    Hazel: Is a small tree with small rounded nuts that grow
    tow to four in a cluster. Hazel twigs are traditionally
    used by dowers to find hidden sources of water. Hazel nuts
    are said to benefit the kidneys. Huron herbalists used the
    bark in poultices for tumors and ulcers. The Iroquois mixed
    the nut oil with bear's grease to make mosquito repellent.
    The Chippewa used a decoction of
    hazel root, white oak root, chokecherry bark, and the
    heartwood of ironwood for bleeding from the lungs.

    Holly: Mountain Holly is a small tree with ovarte, fine
    saw-toothed leaves and large orange berrie. The buds were
    twigs that were used by Native Amercian herbalists in
    decoctions and as an external wash for ulcers, herpetic
    eruptions, jaundice, fever and diarrhea. The leaves alone
    were used as beverage
    tea. English holly of European holly is a familiar
    evergreen usually seen as decoration at Yuletide. It has
    spiny, elliptical leaves and shiny red berries.
    The leaves can be used as a tea substitute and in infusions
    for coughs, colds and flu. Be aware: The berries of all
    holly varieties are strongly purgative.

    Linden and Basswood: Linden is a large tree found in moist,
    rich soils near

    other hardwoods. It has a heart-shaped leaves with toothed
    margins. The bark is dark gray, and its fruit is nutlike,
    downy, and peasized. It has clusters of yellowish-white
    fragrant flowers in the spring. Basswood, or American
    linden, is a close relative. Linden flower tea is a popular
    beverage in Europe
    for nervous headaches and upset digestion, hysteria, nervous
    vomiting, and heart pappitations. Linden flower tea can
    also be added to baths to calm the nerves. Linden flower
    honey is prized for medicinal use. Native Amercian
    herbalists used the roots and bark of basswood for burns and
    the flower tea for
    epilepsy, headache, spasm, spasmodic cough, and general
    pain. The buds were eaten as famine food, and the bark was
    pounded and added to soups.

    Maple: Maples are large trees with deeply lobed, toothed
    leaves. The bark of the younger tress is gray and smooth,
    on older trees it breaks into ridges and fissures. Maples
    have winged seeds that hang in cluster of two. The Ojibwa
    and the Cherokee made a decoration of the inner bark or red
    maple to use as
    a wash for sore eyes. The leaves of striped maple, or
    moosehead, were used to poultice sour breasts. A decoration
    of inner bark of sugar maple was used for diarrhea. The
    Penobscot used striped maple bark in poultices for swollen
    limbs, and as a tea for kidney infections, coughs, colds,
    and bronchitis.
    Young maple leaves can be made into massage oil that will
    be soothing to sore muscles.

    Oak: Oaks are large trees with lobed leaves and acorns
    topped by
    bowl-shaped caps. The best oak for internal use is white
    oak, though all oaks are valuable as external washes. The
    tannins in oak bark and leaves are helpful in pulling the
    edges of a wound together and is antiseptic and antiviral.
    White oak bark tea is used for chronic diarrhea, cronic
    mucus discharges, and piles.
    It makes a nice gargle for sore throats and wash for skin
    problems such as poison ivy, burn and wounds. The tea of
    the leaf of the bark may be used by women
    as a douche for vaginitis. Use caution: Prolonged
    ingestion of oak is potentially harmful.

    Pine: All pines are evergreens, with needles that grow in
    soft, flexable clusters. Pine trees are revered worldwide
    as healing agents. Any pine, or other evergreen such as
    spruce, larch, and ceder, will have antiseptic properties
    useful as a wound wash. The most palatable pine for
    internal use is the white
    pine. Its needles and twigs are simmered into a tea that is
    rich in Vitamin C. The tea is used for sore throats,
    coughs, and colds. Chinese herbalists boil the knot of the
    wood because of the concentrated resins found there.
    Pine baths aid kidney ailments, improve circulation, and
    are relaxing to sore muscles. The aroma of pine is
    soothing to the nerves and lungs. Pine tea make a wonderful
    foot bath.

    Poplar: Poplars are distinguished by their drooping catkins
    and rounded leaves with pointed tips. Balsam poplar was
    used by Native American herbalists who scored the bark and
    applied the resinous gum to toothaches and swellings.
    The sticky spring buds were gathered in May and used in
    salves for skin problems, sprains, sore muscles, wounds,
    headaches, tumores, eczemia, bruises, gout, and on the chest
    for lung ailments and coughs. The buds were decorated and
    used internally for phlegm, kidney and bladder ailments,
    coughs, scurvy, and rheumatic pains. The root was combined
    with the root of white poplar in a decoction to stop
    premature bleeding in pregnancy. The warmed juice of white
    was dropped into sore ears. Poplar barks are high in
    salicin, making them useful in treating deep wounds,
    gangrene, eczema, cancer, burns, and strong body
    odor. The inner bark of a young poplar tree is edible in
    the spring and can be simmered into a tea for liver and
    kidney ailments.

    Rowan, or Mountain Ash: The American mountain ash and the
    European mountain ash have identical uses. The former has
    bunches of orange berries that look like tiny apples, and
    the latter one has red ones. Both are small, sturdy trees
    with compound leaves of nine to seventeen leaflets. Their
    clusters of
    white flowers, composed of five petals each, appear in
    spring. Rowan berries are bitter, astringent, and very
    high in Vitaman C. They should be picked just after the
    first frost when their color has deepened . The fresh juice
    of the berries is added to sore throut gargles, and jelly is
    made from the berries
    will treat diarrhea in adults and children. Rowan berries
    are added to ales and cordials. In ancient Scotland, a
    syrup for coughs and colds was made from rowan berries,
    apples, and honey.

    Walnut: Walnut trees are tall and have compound,
    alternative leaflets.
    Their spring flowers are drooping green catkins that mature
    into large, round nuts covered in green, spongy husks that
    stain the hands brown when cut open with a knife. Walnut
    husks are medicinally active. They are antifungal and rich
    in manganese, a skin-healing agent. Gather them when fresh,
    and rub directly
    onto ringworm. The tea of the hull may be used as a douche
    for vaginitis.
    For stubborn old ulcers apply the dried , powdered leaf,
    and then poultice with fresh green leaves. Do this for
    about twenty days, daily. The leaf tea increases
    circulation, digestion, and energy. The fresh bark may be
    applied to the temples for headache or to teeth to relieve
    pain. The dried and powdered bark, or pounded fresh bark,
    can be applied to wounds to stop swelling and
    to hasten healing.

    Willow: There are more than forty varieties of willow
    growing in the US.
    They are water-loving trees, a good indicator species if
    your looking for a regular water source, either above or
    below ground. Willows have slender flexable twigs and long,
    narrow, simple leaves. In early spring, willows bloom with
    golden catkins that mature into small seed capsules in late
    summer. All
    willow barks have salicylic acid, which is a natural form
    of aspirin. Willow bark tea treats muscle pain and
    inflammation, diarrhea, fever, arthritc pain, and headache.
    Used externally it makes a wash for cuts, ulcers, and poison

    Willow bark in teas and capsules is sedative and eases
    insomina. It reduces the rise of heart disease and may
    delay cataract formation.





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