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    Hot Coco-ala RealAge

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    HOT COCOA a'la RealAge�

    To make four servings of hot cocoa, mix
    one-third cup cocoa powder,
    one-half cup sugar, and
    four cups of skim milk.


    HOT COCOA a'la RealAge�

    Heat the mixture gradually on the stove and stir a drop or two of vanilla extract into each mug when you serve it. Ounce-for-ounce, cocoa powder contains even more flavonoids than green tea. Avoid instant hot cocoa mixes that list hydrogenated fats or hydrogenated oils on their ingredients list; these mixes contain trans fats, which are not heart-healthy. Remember that hot chocolate beverages tend to be high in calories, so drink them in moderation.




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