A Celiac Recipe Site
Food that's OK for folks with Celiac Disease

My #3 son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease shortly before his second birthday. This has meant we have had to radically alter our diet. I feel like a Jewish woman before Passover, having to sweep every corner of her house out to make sure there is no leaven. One of the most annoying things to me has been the availability of decent recipes online. I have tried several and they are all bunk. I am currently collecting new gluten-free cookbooks to replace all my old cookbooks with. As I try the recipes in these I will post them here. I usually alter most recipes I make so I am not *exactly* copying them. I will make sure to type out what the original recipe was and how I altered it to make it more palatable if needed. I've included some links to sites that deal with Celiac Disease. All these sites I have tried the recipes on and have yet to find a good one. I'll certainly post them when I do. |
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Other Places to go:
Celiac Disease and Gluten-free Diet Support Center
Celiac Disease Foundation
My daily blog, where Celiac Disease is often discussed
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