Welcome to the Cooking Cove. |
Recipe collecting has always been an adventure for me. Ever since I was a little girl, I would clip magazines and newspapers and fill up tons of shoe boxes with these recipes. Years later, I would paste them into notebooks and binders, enter them into recipe databases, and share them with friends and the internet. |
This site will be a labor of love from me to all of you. It is a combination of recipes from my cookbook collection, my family favorites, my recipe databases, newsletters and digests that I subscribe to, clippings that have been collected through the years, recipes from friends, and those gathered from newsgroups and internet sites I have browsed through over the years. |
If you would like to contribute a recipe, please email me and put Recipe Circus in the header or Recipe For Your Site so that I know what it is. I rarely open emails from those I don't know. Please sign my guest book so that I know who has been here and visited. Do return often as new recipes will be added weekly. |
Enjoy your visit! |