Email to 007LazySusan Recipe Categories: 007LazySusan's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERSnSNACKS BEVERAGES BISON BREAKFAST CANDY CASSEROLES CHICKEN Chili CONDIMENTS DESSERTS Dips FISHandSEAFOOD PASTA SALADandDRESSING SANDWICHES SAUSAGE SNACKS SOUPSandSTEWS StirFry VEGETABLES Pattipan Squash Source of Recipe I made it up. List of Ingredients pattipan squash minced garlic onions bacon bits butter Recipe Cut off the tops of pattipan squash and scoop out the inside. Mince the insides of the squash and mix with minced garlic, onions, bacon bits, and some butter. Bake for 1/2hr at 350F.