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    When you don't have the specific casserole baking
    dish called for in a recipe, it's best to think big.

    Opt to use a pan of equal or slightly greater volume.
    However, if you substitute a pan that is shallower
    than the one specified, reduce the baking time by 25
    percent, if the pan is deeper increase the baking time
    by 25 percent.

    To save time, though not necessary money, stock up on
    pre-cut and peeled vegetables like carrots, onions, and
    broccoli florets available in either your supermarket
    produce aisle or salad bar-you'll discover they make
    casserole preparation a snap.

    Because generally a casserole takes anywhere from 20
    minutes to 2 hours to bake, you ought to consider using
    dried herbs in dishes which require longer cooking (more
    than an hour) rather than delicate fresh herbs which tend
    to lose their flavor when exposed to extended periods of
    high heat.

    Want to make that casserole au gratin?
    Simply sprinkle the assembled dish with grated cheese and bread crumbs moistened with a little melted butter and dried herbs if desired and continue baking until filling is cooked
    and topping is melted and bubbling.




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