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Recipe Categories:

    Roasted Brussels Sprouts w/Bacon-Cheese

    Source of Recipe

    Internet - Zola

    List of Ingredients

    6 C Brussel Sprouts
    (or vary the amount based on your portion size)
    Olive Oil Spray
    4 strips Bacon
    1 C Shredded Cheese
    (I used Gruyere but you can use your favorite)


    1. Trim the Brussels sprouts (take off outer layer of leaves) & cut them in half the long way. You want them flat on one side. Spray them with olive oil & put them flat side down (as many as possible) in the pan. Pile the others on top.

    2. Roast at 375ºF for approximately 30 minutes or until a few of them just start to brown around the edges. I like them to have brownish edges so they are caramelized & a deeper flavor.

    3. While the Brussels sprouts are roasting, you can cook your bacon until it’s crisp. Cut it into bacon bits. Make them whatever size you like.

    4. The last five minutes of roasting time for the Brussels sprouts, pull the pan out & sprinkle on the bacon bits & the cheese. Put the pan back in the oven for the last five minutes & the cheese will melt, the bacon will get warm & the Brussels sprouts will be ready to serve. Serves 4.




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