Source of Recipe
Recipe Goldmine
Recipe Introduction
The Strawberry Glaze really makes this cheesecake a step above the others.
List of Ingredients
Crumb Crust
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup confectioners� sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon cinnamon
7-Up Filling
1 envelope unflavored gelatine
1 � cups 7-Up, divided
1 small box regular lemon pudding and pie filling (not instant)
6 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup water
11 ounces cream cheese, softened
Strawberry Glaze
1/2 cup strawberry jelly, melted
Fresh strawberries or unsweetened frozen, thawed whole strawberriesRecipe
For Crumb Crust:
Combine all ingredients well. Press onto bottom and part way up sides of buttered 9-inch springform pan; chill.
For 7-Up Filling:
Soften unflavored gelatine in � cup 7-Up for 4 minutes. In a saucepan combine pie filling, sugar, beaten eggs and water. Blend well. Add 1 � cups 7-Up and bring just to a boil over medium heat stirring constantly; remove from heat. Stir in softened gelatine; cool 3 minutes. Add � cup of this warm mixture to softened cream cheese; mash together. Mix together with remaining 7-Up mixture and stir until well blended. Turn into chilled crust and chill for at least 8 hours. Remove from pan and add Strawberry Glaze.
For Strawberry Glaze:
Brush top of chilled cheesecake with melted jelly. Arrange strawberries upright on cake and spoon any remaining melted jelly over them.