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Email to Jane McKinley      

Recipe Categories:

    Cincinnati Chili

    Source of Recipe


    List of Ingredients

    1 lb lean ground beef
    1 (29 oz can) tomato sauce
    1 (14 1/2 oz can) crushed or diced tomatoes
    1 small onion, chopped
    1/4 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 tsp allspice
    1 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp red pepper
    1 1/2 tbsp chili power
    1 tbsp white vinegar
    2 toes garlic (minced)
    3 bay leaves
    Spaghetti Noodles


    Brown meat - cook onions w/ meat - drain grease. Place meat & onions in large pan or crock pot. Add rest of ingredients. Cook slowly 4-5 hours, covered. Remove bay leaves before serving. Serve on a bed of spaghetti and top w/ grated cheddar cheese




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