Source of Recipe
List of Ingredients
1/2-pint Vodka or Brandy
4 Vanilla beans
Seal tight bottle or container
Storage or decorative bottle that seals well, preferably a darkly colored one
1. Using a sharp kitchen knife, cut a lengthwise slit down the middle of each vanilla bean.
2. Cut vanilla beans into 1/2 - 3/4-inch pieces.
3. Pour vodka into your container.
4. Add vanilla beans to container and shake.
5. Wait and shake. It will take 30-days for the vanilla extract to mature. Once each day, vigorously shake the container for 30-seconds.
6. Once the 30-day cycle has finished, strain the liquid through a colander or coffee filter and place in decorative bottle. FOR even stronger, more potent vanilla extract, allow the liquid 6 months to one year of sitting time.