Brown Venison Stock
List of Ingredients
When we take deer meat to the processor, I beg for bones. They all look at me as though I've lost my mind--nobody bothers with deer bones. Except me, I guess. This is as good as beef broth and lower in calories.
Roast 1 hour at 400:
5 lbs. venison bones, cut into 5-6" pieces
2 cans tomato puree
1 large carrot, chopped
4 stalks celery, chopped
2 large onions, chopped
Transfer to large pot and deglaze roasting pan with 2 cups burgundy. Add to pot.
3 qts. water
pepper to taste
1 bay leaf
1/2 t. thyme
1 T. parsley
Bring to boil. Reduce heat. Let broth simmer overnight. Strain.
Return broth to clean pot to reduce by about half.
I believe this recipe originally came from an issue of Southern Living. It's outstanding.
I freeze the reduced stock and use it in place of beef stock.