Mom's Ham Sauces
List of Ingredients
Mom often studded several cloves into the fat on of her baked ham and then used one of the following sauces.
Brown Sugar Sauce:
Combine and spread over baking ham:
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon (or more) mustard
4-5 tablespoons vinegarRecipe
Raisin Sauce:
1 cup raisins, boiled to plump in water to cover with
1-2 tablespoons cornstarch
pinch salt
This sauce was cooked on the stove and served as a side with the ham. Sometimes Mom glazed the ham with the brown sugar sauce and then served the raisin sauce on the side. With one or both sauces, her baked ham was very good.
Mom often served baked sweet potatoes with marshmallows and baked corn with ham. Dick and I like our sweet potatoes unembellished with anything except butter, so throwing a few in with the baking ham makes an easy dinner.