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    Source of Recipe


    Recipe Introduction

    A quick list of some of the measurement conversions.

    List of Ingredients


    1 cup = 250g = 8oz
    30g = 1oz
    100g = 3 1/2oz
    125g = 4oz
    370g = 12oz
    500g = 16oz (1lb)



    1 teaspoon = 5mls
    1 tablespoon = 20mls = 14mls (UK) = 15mls (US)
    30ml = 1fl oz
    125ml = 4fl oz
    250ml = 8fl oz
    500ml = 16fl oz
    600ml = 20fl oz = 1 pint (16fl oz is an American pint)
    950ml = 1 Quart (US Liquid)
    1000ml (1 litre) = 32fl oz
    3.8 Litres = 1 Gallon (US Liquid)
    4.5 Litres = 1 Gallon (UK Liquid)


    very slow = 120c = 250f
    slow - 150c = 300f
    moderately slow = 160c = 315f
    moderate = 180c = 350f
    moderately hot = 190c = 375f
    hot = 220c = 425f
    very hot = 230c = 450f




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