Email to Mrs.Tess Seaward Recipe Categories: BETTY_BOOP's HOME PAGEBREAD JAMSandJELLIES PASTA PASTRIES POULTRY SALADandDRESSING SAUCES lasagne this is a easy and a kids favorite List of Ingredients 2lbs lean ground beef 1 large onion fresh or canned mushrooms 1 can tomato 1can tomato paste 1-2 cloves of garlic ( to taste) 2 tsp italian spice 1/3c brown sugar 1 jar of your choice of spaghetti sauce dash of tobasco 1/4 tsp pepper shredded block cheese ( add what you like) noodles ( i use ready to use so easy) dry cottage cheese Instructions quickly fry beef,onions and mushrooms add all spices add your sauces pour small amount of sauce in bottom of your pan size of pan should be 11x13( deep dish) alternate your layers with your meat sauce,cheese, noodles & cottage cheese bake for 45-60 minutes @ 350 be sure to check this so cheese does not burn Final Comments this recipe can vary to your choice of vegtables and cheese, always be creative and have fun.serves 8 large portions, or have as a left over favorite
this is a easy and a kids favorite