Apple Wreath
List of Ingredients
4 yards of 3/8"-wide ribbon
6" diameter straw wreath
Glue gun
6 cinnamon sticks
Sprigs of pine
4 dried apple slices
Sprigs of staticeRecipe
Cut the ribbon into 2 1-yard lenths and 1 2-yard
length. Wrap the shorter pieces around the wreath -
one each direction, crisscrossing to make Xs. Secure
the ends with glue. Use the long piece of ribbon to
make a large bow with several loops and leave the
ends as streamers. Glue to the wreath toward the
bottom. Stick pine sprigs around the bow and glue in
place. Glue the cinnamon sticks to the bow and
streamers. Glue one apple slice to the bow and the
rest around the edges of the wreath. Place statice
behind the apple slices and glue in place.