Email to The Chicken Coop Recipe Categories: Barb_P's HOME PAGEAPPETIZERSandSNACKS BBQDUTCHOVEN BEVERAGES BREADS_MUFFINS_ROLLS BREAKFAST CAKES_and_CHEESECAKES CANDY CANNINGandFREEZING CONDIMENTSandSAUCES COOKIESandBARS DESSERTS GIFT_FROM_THE_KITCHEN Holidays MAIN_DISH PIES SALADandDRESSING SIDEDISHES SOUPSandSTEWS TIPS_and_TRICKS Meatballs When making meatballs for spaghetti, first boil them in water until they rise to the top of the pan. Drain and add them to the sauce to finish cooking. This eliminates the mess of frying and cuts some grease from the meat.
When making meatballs for spaghetti, first boil them in water until they rise to the top of the pan. Drain and add them to the sauce to finish cooking. This eliminates the mess of frying and cuts some grease from the meat.