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My Recipe Box

Welcome to my recipe pages! I'm so glad you took the time to stop by and I hope you find something you will enjoy.

These recipes are from several sources, including my family, my husband's family, and friends. Many of them are from the recipe collections of my DH's grandmonther and aunt, two wonderful people and fantastic cooks. And of course, some are from my favorite cookbooks.

With the exception of my "to try" file and the "recipes from mysteries" file, every recipe has been tried and enjoyed by my family. These tried recipes may be located in the "all recipe" file or in the individual categories.

The "not fixing again" recipes are not included in the "all recipe file.

My "to try" and "recipes from mysteries" recipes are not included in the "all recipes" file. As I try them, I will add notes and move them to the right file.

As a born chocoholic, that file will grow the fastest!


Recipe Categories:
CategoryLast Updated
ABM (25 )Sun 17/Jun/2012 15:40:23
APPETIZERS (8 )Tue 17/Dec/2002 21:24:33
AllRecipes (562 )Mon 4/Apr/2016 19:53:19
AppleRecipes (2 )Wed 21/Jul/2010 14:31:41
BEVERAGES (10 )Mon 4/Apr/2016 19:52:34
BREAD (10 )Mon 23/Mar/2015 15:38:37
BREAKFAST (2 )Mon 13/Jun/2011 13:58:57
BreakfastBreadsandMuffins (62 )Fri 13/Jan/2012 14:07:10
BreakfastBrunch (49 )Mon 2/Jul/2012 10:06:08
BrowniesandBars (46 )Thu 14/May/2015 16:27:22
ButtersandSpreads (9 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
CAKESandPIES (1 )Wed 9/Jun/2010 22:00:59
CANDY (10 )Mon 10/Jan/2011 16:06:58
CASSEROLES (16 )Wed 11/Jan/2012 18:25:37
CHOCOLATEFOODTOLIVEFOR (90 )Thu 14/May/2015 16:30:32
COOKIES (21 )Mon 10/Sep/2012 15:03:54
CROCKPOT (14 )Sun 16/Oct/2011 14:54:15
Cakes (42 )Tue 24/Sep/2013 13:07:41
CampingRecipes (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
CheeseBalls (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
Cheesecake (4 )Mon 3/Oct/2005 12:20:54
Chicken (19 )Fri 17/Jul/2015 19:01:08
Crescent-Roll-Recipes (5 )Thu 1/Sep/2005 20:35:23
DESSERTS (22 )Sat 5/Apr/2014 20:19:32
DehydratorRecipes (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
Dips (12 )Thu 20/Jan/2011 11:50:33
EGGS (3 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
FISHandSEAFOOD (8 )Wed 4/Jan/2012 12:21:22
FRUIT (13 )Tue 12/Jan/2016 16:12:13
FasttoFixMainDish (11 )Tue 20/Dec/2011 18:13:44
FoodAllergyRecipes (12 )Fri 25/May/2012 19:39:50
Frostings-Icings-Glazes-Etc (6 )Wed 23/Feb/2005 18:27:26
Ice-Cream-and-Frozen-Treats (14 )Mon 21/Jun/2010 15:41:53
Kuchens (6 )Wed 15/Oct/2003 20:56:00
LowSalt (2 )Sat 28/Mar/2009 19:48:09
MEATS (18 )Fri 13/Jan/2012 17:48:26
Main-Dish (14 )Fri 17/Feb/2012 20:10:30
Microwave (13 )Tue 24/Sep/2013 13:08:51
Muffins (46 )Thu 18/Aug/2011 14:03:34
NotFixingAgain (2 )Thu 10/Feb/2011 17:36:24
PASTA (6 )Fri 4/Nov/2011 12:30:45
POULTRY (20 )Wed 23/Feb/2005 17:19:49
PiesandPieCrusts (14 )Tue 12/Jan/2016 16:13:22
Popovers (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
Potatoes (4 )Wed 1/Feb/2012 18:35:41
QuickBreads (10 )Thu 27/Jan/2005 17:16:05
RICE (7 )Thu 14/Jul/2011 17:07:07
RecipesfromMysteries (14 )Mon 26/Sep/2011 18:51:25
SACOButtermilkPowderRecipes (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
SALADandDRESSING (4 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
SANDWICHES (2 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
SAUCES (3 )Sun 13/Apr/2003 19:19:18
SNACKS (3 )Fri 11/Mar/2005 17:04:30
SOUPSandSTEWS (12 )Tue 14/Feb/2012 20:21:43
Salads (6 )Thu 14/Jul/2011 17:06:17
Scones (4 )Wed 7/Jan/2004 19:32:14
SideDishes (4 )Tue 8/Feb/2011 12:26:34
SubstitutionsandCopycats (5 )Sun 22/Sep/2002 23:27:57
Tex-Mex (7 )Wed 21/Jul/2004 17:45:49
Time-to-Grill (5 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
Tips-Tricks-and-Helpful-Ideas (5 )Thu 23/Jun/2011 13:21:13
ToTryFile (629 )Thu 13/Oct/2016 16:45:27
VEGETABLES (19 )Sun 11/Apr/2004 17:00:53
WokRecipes (1 )Thu 8/Aug/2002 12:38:48
Browse ALL Recipes
Total Number of Recipes2005

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